Got home and right back at it! Spent an hour on the treadmill Tuesday morning. It felt great to actually be running again. Thursday I spent another hour on the treadmill. Really starting to feel like my sore shins are heeling and I'm back to normal. Still, I am going to go one more week inside before feeling like pounding the pavement again. My Physical Therapist has told me that I don't need to come back - until, or unless I really need them. I hope I never need to visit them again - because that would mean I'm hurt again! So, they are confident that I will be fine. That helps a lot.
This morning, instead of going on a super long run, or spending two hours inside, on the treadmill, I took a long 21 mile bike ride. Way different muscles getting used, tired, and ON FIRE! But it was a great workout. No pounding, no impact, and yet lots of sweat and got my heart rate up for two hours. Awesome. Some people say I'm crazy. I might be, but what does that mean anyway?