Saturday, August 21, 2010

Back at it...

Went to Hawaii - Kauai - for a week and a day. Took my running shoes and all my running cloths with me, intending to do my runs a few times. Didn't even take my shoes out of the suitcase! No worries though, I did plenty of hiking and snorkeling and Kayaking to keep me sweating hard.

Got home and right back at it! Spent an hour on the treadmill Tuesday morning. It felt great to actually be running again. Thursday I spent another hour on the treadmill. Really starting to feel like my sore shins are heeling and I'm back to normal. Still, I am going to go one more week inside before feeling like pounding the pavement again. My Physical Therapist has told me that I don't need to come back - until, or unless I really need them. I hope I never need to visit them again - because that would mean I'm hurt again! So, they are confident that I will be fine. That helps a lot.

This morning, instead of going on a super long run, or spending two hours inside, on the treadmill, I took a long 21 mile bike ride. Way different muscles getting used, tired, and ON FIRE! But it was a great workout. No pounding, no impact, and yet lots of sweat and got my heart rate up for two hours. Awesome. Some people say I'm crazy. I might be, but what does that mean anyway?


  1. i wouldn't say "crazy"..... ha ha ha! you are amazing...i wish i had the energy you do!! i'm jealous of your hawaii trip...sounds A. MA. ZING! you deserve it lady! i saw your softball pics on fb....oh how i long to play again...seriously there are no girls here in ohio that can or want to play! it's lame. we tried a co-ed team 3 years ago, and i was dying.....i'm too competitive for a team that the husbands wives get dragged onto just for more players! ha ha! maybe one day we can play together again :) hope all is well! Love ya.
