Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sundays child

I usually like Sundays. Today was no exception. Our church meetings don't start until 1:00 in the afternoon. I really like that time - in the winter. I can sleep in, have a wonderful breakfast, and take my time getting ready for the day. However, after our block of meetings I still have choir practice and so by the time I get home the day is basically over. I eat dinner, watch a couple TV shows and go to bed. (In the summer months I like going to church early so that I can enjoy an afternoon or evening walk outside.) But I digress!
In Sacrament meeting this afternoon, we got to hear from a recently returned missionary, from our ward, and a High Councilman, from our ward as well. Both talks were really good - surprisingly so. Of course return missionaries always have great conversion stories, but the HC really gave a thought provoking talk about obedience. He used part of Elder Ukdorph's talk about the small light bulb that caused a huge airplane crash that killed over a hundred people. If we take notice of the small things that we are neglecting in our obedience we can prevent disastrous miss deeds that lead us away from Heavenly Father's plan. I liked they way he put things into perspective. His talk made me think about I am or am not doing in my own life to be obedient.
Then in Sunday School class we had a lesson on the missionary work done in the Spirit World and our responsibility to make sure we are doing Temple work for those who are accepting the gospel there. Again, I had to take stock of my life and decide if I need to be doing more. The answer is probably yes!
Then I got to go to my Young Women's class and listen to our Advisor, Liz Osipanko, give a great lesson on Time management. Do we use our time and our agency the way we should be? Am I using my time wisely? In other words am I taking the time to read the scriptures the way I should, pray as often as I should, live the gospel like I should or am I wasting my time on trivial things that won't bring me closer to my Heavenly Father? I really had to look at what I spend my time doing.
Like I said, I usually like Sundays. This was another good one! I feel very blessed to be a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I love being able to serve and I love being able to be reminded once in a while that I need to do better at what I know I should be doing as a servant of the Lord.
With Christmas coming up and Thanksgiving just a couple weeks away, this is a good time for me to take stock of what can do to make some improvements in that area. I was reading in Mosiah chapter two this morning where King Benjamin stated that "when ye are in the service of your fellowmen, ye are only in the service of your God." King Benjamin was a very wise King.

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